Main – CrossFit
3/3/3 Arm Circles [little plates, big plates, HUGE plates]
5/5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Press
With a Tabata timer:
Then 4 Rounds of Handstand Hold/Shoulder Touches/Free standing hold
A): Weighted Pull-ups (3×3 @ a 3-4rm Int.; 1×3+ @ BW or Lighter Int.; E2M)
First 3 sets, choose a weight or bands that would be a 3-4rm. (In other words, just a little heavier than last week. Last set, go to BW or a little more band, rep out as many strict reps as possible, when you can no longer do strict switch to Kipping without letting go of the bar. BIG SET!!!
B): Shoulder Press (65/75/85%x2+; E2M )
C): Metcon (Weight)
EMOM x 20:00
odd – 5 C+J 135/95#
even – 5 T2B
Strength Accessory
Move SLOW, Think of keeping MAX Tension. The slower you can move, the better!! SQUEEZE!!
SUPINE Ring Rows – 12
Ring Supported Prone Reverse Crunch – 10
[Left Leg, Right Leg, Both Legs = 1 rep]