CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
3 Rounds:
3 Goblet Squats W/ Band
4 Tall Jumps
5 HVY Swings
Then with an empty bar:
3 Clean Pull
3 Rack Deliveries
3 High Hang Power Clean
3 Power Clean
3 Dipping Jerk Balance
3 Split Jerk
1): Power Clean + Split Jerk (5 (PCl & SJ); 5×1(complex); @ 70%; 2:00 rest)
2A): Deadlift (10×5; @ 60%; :45 rest)
SET UP STRONG AND TIGHT, then pull fast.
Last set, push a few extra reps if they are there. If you slow down, stop. No where near failure.
**IF you want to lessen the volume on the squats, you can drop to 3 reps per set instead of 5. This option would be good for those who do not want to be super sore, or are not extremely interested in pushing up there squat numbers. 3 reps are fine, just be sure to record accurately.
2B): Strict Toes-To-Bar (3-5 reps Immediately after each set of Deadlifts)
Last set go for max reps.
Scaling Options:
Strict Big Tucks
Leg Lifts
:15 Hollow Body/Hollow Rocks
3): Metcon (Time)
Kb Swing 70/53#
Hang Power Clean @ 115/80#
Strength Accessory
4): Metcon (Weight)
Swing – EMOM:
12-12-12-12-12 @124/88#