13.4 is here!!!
We will be killing it today!!
WOD- AMRP in 12 minutes: 3 Clean & Jerk 135/95# (C&J) 3 Toes to bar (T2B) 6 C&J 6 T2B 9 C&J 9 T2B … and so on *Increase by 3 reps each round!We will NOT be open on Saturday for Easter weekend. You will need to complete 13.4 either today or Friday!! Need extra practice linking T2B’s together? Come in a little early and get some helpful hints! 🙂
I also want to take a moment to talk about doing extra in the gym. If there is a specific skill you’d like to get better at, AWESOME! We are here to help! But, we will work on all those “extra’s” AFTER the programmed movements and work is completed! Think of it as a team practice. You stick with your teammates and do what the coach says; you don’t walk away from your teammates because you’d like to work on something different, right? Use that same concept at CFW! Everything we do has a purpose, and a goal. Be a team player and you will gain!
Brandon’s Clean: [slideshow]