CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
*10 Donkey Kicks
*3×24′ Handstand Walk
(sub 3×2-4 wall walk if you can’t walk)
1): Shoulder Press (8×4; @ 72.5%; 1:30 rest)
Last set go for more reps if you have it in the tank and they are quality.
2): Pendlay Row (8×4; @ Moderate Weight (+5-10#); 1:30 rest )
Last set go for more reps if you have it in the tank and they are quality. That means DRIVE those shoulders blades together HARD!
3): Metcon (Weight)
OTM x 10:00
odd – DL + HPC + FS + PJ
@50%+ of C&J
even – 2-4-6-8-10 HSPU
Strength Accessory
*Ring Support – :15/:15 x 8
*Ring Bottom – :15/:15 x 8
*Hollow Rocks – :15/:15 x 8