Max-Effort Lift: 15:00 to work up to a 5RM Unstable Bench Press Assistant Movement: HSPU (kipping allowed) 1x Max Reps (not to failure) 1x Max Reps to failure Pulling Superset: a.) Strict Bent over barbell row 3x8 b.) Band pull aparts 3x10-12 Upper body couplet: 6 Rounds: 1 15' Legless Rope Climb 12 Hand release push ups Prehab: Bullet proof shoulders: Side Plank Retractions 1x20 each side Modified push up hold 3x15seconds each side Scap push ups 1x15 T's 4x5+5second overload W's 4x5+5second overload Cuff Isolation 1x15-30 [slideshow]