I really like this quote. A lot of times I find myself stopping, even though I know I have even the tiniest bit more to give. I stop because it's hard, or I just need a break....or at least I "think" I need a break. I am going to challenge myself to rest or stop less. The only way to get better is to push past your limits right? So I am going to start there. Max-Effort Lower: 10:00 to find a 1-3RM Front Squat 20:00 Front Squat: work set: 5@65%, 5@75%, 5+@85% back off set: 10@50-60% WOD: 3RFT: 200m Run/Row 10 V-ups 10 Deficit Deadlfts @ 50% Midline: Reverse Hyper 3x10