Main – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
5 Behind The Neck Press
10 Push Press
5 Banded Push Ups
10 Ring/bar rows
:20 Hollow Body Hold
A1): Push Press (45% x 10; 55% x 10; 65% x 10+; rest 1:30 )
A2): Bent Over Row (45% x 10; 55% x 10; 65% x 10+; rest 1:30 )
Use the same weights/same bar as Push Press
B1): DB/KB Bench Press (1 x 10; 1 x 5; 1 x Max Reps; rest 1:30)
B2): High – Hang Muscle Snatch (3 x 8-12; rest 1:30)
Use an empty barbell
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds:
10 Plate Push ups
8 Strict Chin Up
6 Strict HSPU
Not actually for time, but this will allow you to take notes on modifications and how you did.
*Ring Dips – 3 x max reps
*Supine Ring/Bar Row – 5 x max reps
*Handstand Hold – :20/:10 x 8