I am having one of those days where it is going by way too fast! I’ve completed most of my to-do list, plus some, but I cannot believe it is already so late! EEEEK…! I either need to hurry up and get stuff done, or roll it onto tomorrow!
Today we welcomed quite a few new athletes to our team! Stay tuned for some wonderful new pictures 🙂 And have a look below at some of our not-so-new-but-oh-so-wonderful athletes!!
Oly- Clean & Jerk (any style) 5×3+1
Strength- Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5-5
5 Jumping Squats after each set 65/45#
WOD: For Time:
Overhead Weighted Walking Lunges 45/25#
DeadLift @ 50%
Midline- Tabata Planks/Superman Planks (on rest)