Miss me? If you haven’t noticed the last month or so, I have not been doing the posts on here. Those duties were left up to my office administrator/multi-media director/wonderful wife. I’m sure you have all been crying yourselves to sleep at night wondering when I would make another magnificent post. Well today is not your day, I’m sorry. I’m making a post, but it is sadly not that spectacular. But I will promise to start posting more on the regular and start bringing you more relevant training info and fun stories like I used to. For now, the training for the day…
Level 1: Front squat 5×3 (+5lbs) bench 3×5 (+5lbs) Level 2: Snatch balance 3×3 (add weight) Front squat 3x[5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95%] WOD: 4 rounds: 10 wall ball 8 OHS @ 95/65 or less 6 pull ups Midline: Hyper ext. 3×10 (add weight)