Main – CrossFit
Snatch Warm-up (A) (No Measure)
8 High Hang Power Snatch (HHPSn)
8 Hang Power Snatch (HPSn)
8 Snatch 1st Pull (Sn1)
8 Power Snatch (PSn) + Snatch Balance (SNB)
A): Snatch (10:00 to build to a Heavy Single)
B): Clean and Jerk (10:00 to build to a Heavy Single)
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM x 20:00
odd – 5-7 Thrusters
165/115 – 135/95 – 115/75 – 95/55
even – 5 Burpees
*If you cannot sustain your rep count of thrusters, drop your weight