WARM-UP: 3 Rounds: 5 Wall Squats 5 Gobblet Squats 5 Air Squats 5/5 Walking Lunges STRENGTH: 12:00 to work up to a heavy 3RM Tempo Back Squat @ 50×0 12:00 to work up to a heavy Power Clean + Hand Clean + Thruster complex Watch a video of Coach Jeremy doing the complex! WOD: AMRAP […]
FIND YOUR STRENGTH WARM-UP: 3 ROUNDS: 5 Wall Squats 5 Air Squats 5 Goblet Squats 5/5 Walking Lunges (back knee touches the ground) STRENGTH: 1.) 12:00 to find a heavy 3 RM (only if form allows) Back Pause Squats (:03 pause at bottom). 2.) 12:00 to find a heavy 1RM (only if form allows) 1 […]