Main – CrossFit
*Monster walk band series
*10 Goblet Squats W/ Blue Band
3/3/3 Snatch Press W/ PVC
6 Steps Duck Walk
*Then with an empty bar:
3 Snatch Pull
3 Dude Pull
3 Power Snatch
3 Hang Snatch
3 Snatch
A): 2 Power Snatch + Snatch (EMOM x 10:00; 2 PSn + Sn; @ 60%+)
Base off of your Heaviest Snatch
B): Back Squat (60/70/80%x3+; E2M)
Last set go for max reps, leaving 1-2 in the tank.
C): Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 11:00
30 DU
20 Air Squats
10 KB RSwings @ 53/35#
Skill Development
D): Metcon (Time)
NOT FOR TIME! Focus on the movements.
Skill Dev.
10 MU Transitions
10 C2B
10 Ring Dip
10 Ring Swing Toe Taps
10 Strict MU
:20/:10×8 Hollow Rock