It’s VALENTINES Day!!!!!!!!!!! You must wear a pink or red shirt with hearts on it, if you don’t you will do burpees! …..just kidding….but that does give me some “good” ideas…
Class times are a bit different tomorrow (Saturday):: 8:30am is the ONLY CLASS. at 10:30 we are heading over to the Special Olympics Polar Plunge, and at 11:30 a group of SUPERHERO’s will be jumping into the frozen pond in support of Special Olympics! Come jump in or just watch 🙂
WARM-UP: *3:00 AMRAP 5 DB Press 5 Single Arm Rows 5/5 External Rotation *3 Rounds: 5 Good Mornings 5 Clean 5 Jerks STRENGTH: 10:00 to work up to a heavy hover dead lift (no touching the ground) WOD: 15-12-9-6-3 Box Jumps Clean & Jerk 135/95#