OLY- Snatch off the blocks 8×1
*work up to a heavy single
STRENGTH- a.) Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5
b.) Box Jump 3-3-3-3-3 @ 30″/24″
WOD- AMRepsAP in 2 Rounds:
1 minute at each station, 30 seconds rest between stations:
Row for Calories
Overhead Lunges
Shoot Thrus
Rope Climbs/ Rope Lowers
Ball Slams
MIDLINE- GHD Hip Extensions 3×10 (weighted)
The next On-Ramp class starts on Monday, March 4th!!! The schedule choices are: M/W/F at 7:30pm or T/TH/SA at 10:30am!!! If you, or someone you know, wants to join contact us ASAP!
If you haven’t read Jeremy’s post on 02.20.2013, I strongly suggest you read it! It may help you understand how we program and what our goals are for you!
We had a SUPER SUCCESSFUL benefit for Connor over the weekend! We raised $1066 for his family and it felt great to rally together and help them out! If you came, thank you so much for your support, and if you didn’t there are pictures on Facebook!