CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
10 Gobs w/ band
10 HVY Swings
10 T2B
Then with an empty bar:
3 Clean Pull
3 Rack Deliveries
3 Tall Cleans/Pull Unders
3 Clean
3 Jerk
To warm up for this piece you should take 10ish minutes to warm up your C+J to about 70-80%, this should be your first lift to make. Then take some time and warm up the movements in the AMRAP.
0:00: CrossFit Games Open 15.1 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
9-Minute AMRAP of:
15 Toes To Bar
10 Deadlifts, 115# / 75#
5 Snatches, 115# / 75#
9:00: CrossFit Games Open 15.1A (Weight)
6-Minutes to Establish:
1-RM Clean and Jerk