CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
3 Rounds:
3 Goblet Squats W/ Band
4 Tall Jumps
5 HVY Swings
Then with an empty bar:
3 Clean Pull
3 Rack Deliveries
3 High Hang Power Clean
3 Power Clean
3 Dipping Jerk Balance
3 Split Jerk
1): Power Clean + Split Jerk (4 (PCl & SJ); 5×1(complex); @ 75%; 2:00 rest)
2A): Deadlift (8×4; @ 67.5%; 1:15 rest)
SET UP STRONG AND TIGHT, then pull fast.
Last set, push a few extra reps if they are there. If you slow down, stop. No where near failure.
2B): Strict Toes-To-Bar (3-5 reps Immediately after each set of Deadlifts)
Last set go for max reps.
Scaling Options:
Strict Big Tucks
Leg Lifts
:15 Hollow Body/Hollow Rocks
3): Metcon (Time)
Partner Grace
1/ 1 until both reach 30 Reps
Squat Clean & Jerk @ 135/95#
Strength Accessory
4): Metcon (Weight)
Swing – EMOM:
12-12-12-12-12 @124/88#