CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
4 rds:
4 Kb single leg deadlift
4 kb clean
4 Fr Squat
4 Push press
4 FR Lunge
Clean & Jerk Warm-up (B) (No Measure)
3 Shave & Receive
3 Pull Under
3 1st Pulls
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Hang Clean
3 Clean
3 Split Jerks
Clean & Jerk – Add 5# to your old max and start to use that as your new training max.
Deadlift – Add 5# to your old max and start to use that as your new training max.
1): Hang Power Clean + Hang Clean + 2 Jerks (5×1 (1+1+2); @ 75%; 2:00 rest)
If while warming up you find 75% to be too challenging, use a lower percentage.
2A): Deadlift (5×5; @ 65%; 1:00 rest)
Last set, push a few extra reps if they are there. If you slow down, stop. No where near failure.
2B): Strict Toes-To-Bar (5-7 reps; Immediately after each set of squats)
Last set push out as many T2B as possible.
3): Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP in 10:00
9 Push Press 135/95#
5 L-Chin Up
Strength Accessory
D): Metcon (Weight)
A) 8 Strict Muscle Snatch (empty bar)
B) 8 Banded Face Pulls
This should all take 10:00 or less.