CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
*Monster walk band series
*10 Goblet Squats w/band
12 HVY swings
12 Push ups
12 Ring Rows
Snatch Warm-up (A) (No Measure)
4 High Hang Power Snatch (HHPSn)
4 Hang Power Snatch (HPSn)
4 Snatch 1st Pull (Sn1)
4 Power Snatch (PSn) + Snatch Balance (SNB)
1): Snatch 1st pull (:03 pause at knee) + HPSn + HSn + OHS (5x(1+1+1+1); @ 80%; 2:00 Rest)
If while warming up you find 80% to be too challenging, use a lower percentage.
2A): Back Squat (5×4; @ 72.5%; 1:30 rest)
Last set, push a few extra reps if they are there. If you slow down, stop. No where near failure.
2B): Push Ups (5-7 reps; Immediately after each set of squats)
Last set push out as many Push Ups as possible.
3): Thruster (EMOM x 10:00; 2 Thrusters)
*Start at empty bar, build to the heaviest possible.
Strength Accessory
D): Metcon (Weight)
3 sets of:
14 Supine Ring Rows
14 Good Mornings w/ 30% of BS or less
Tabata Flutter kicks
This should all take 10:00 or less.