We’ve got new graduates! Welcome Jimmy, Shanna, Jon, Stephanie, Jamie, Sherri, Shannon, Max, Alex & Ryan to our regular classes! They have learned the form, are consistent with it, and have ramped up the intensity of their training! Today is the first day of the new programming cycle, and in this cycle, we will be getting STRONGER! This sums it up: 04.03.2013
Max-Effort Lower: 1.) Max Effort Lift- 15 minutes to work up to a 5RM Box Squat (box should be 1″ below parallel) 2.) Assistant Movement- Front Squat 3×10, weight stays same across 3.) Posterior Chain Development- Romanian Dead Lift 3×12, across 4.) Triplet- 3-4 Rounds: 15 weighted AbMat sit ups 12 Strict toes 2 bar 9 Second L-sit hold 5.) Recovery- Split practice 8 minutes (4min per side) Recovery row 7 minutes (easy row, no monitor)