CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
6/6 Half Kneeling SA Press
6/6 SA Ring Row
6/6 Overhead Walking Lunge (25/15# plate)
1): Weighted Pull-ups (8×3; you pick Int. poison; 1:45 rest)
Try to take these a little heavier than last week when you did 4 reps. Even 2.5-5# will be enough.
Last set go for more reps if you have it in the tank. Yes kip these out.
2): Weighted Dips (8×3; you pick Int. poison; 1:45 rest)
Try to take these a little heavier than last week when you did 4 reps. Even 2.5-5# will be enough.
Last set go for more reps if you have it in the tank. Yes kip these out.
E2:00 x 5 Rds:
3): Front Rack Lunge (3/3; @ 55%)
These are based off of your Front Squat. If warming up you cannot perform 55%, then find a weight that you can handle.
Perform these by stepping back into the lunge.
Metcon (Weight)
10 Ball Slams
Strength Accessory
*Swing – EMOM:
12-12-12-12-12 @124/88#
*Rev. Hyp – 3×15