CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
Roll out and smash what you need to loosen up your legs/hips as needed.
Metcon (No Measure)
Spend 20:00 on an Air bike, Rower, or Push/Pull/Drag a sled. Take this at a 70% effort (relatively easy, but break a sweat.)
Try to take these just quick enough that you start to break a sweat. But also, be sure to not take these too easy, we still want to get some positive work out of these!
Take the rower/bike outside and enjoy the sun!
Mobilize what you need to loosen up the stiffness and feel better. Also, take a critical look at yourself and determine where you could work to INCREASE your range of motion somewhere.
Be mindful of these things:
1) Shoulder
2) Bottom of Squat
3) Undo Sitting