CrossFit Worthy – CrossFit
5 Sots Press
4/4 Duck Walks
3 Shave and Recieve
3 Pull Unders
3 1st Pulls + High Hang Clean
3 Hang Clean
3 Clean
1): 3 Position Clean (Work up to a max for the complex; 10:00)
High to Low
2): Deadlift (Work up to a 1rm; 10:00)
3): Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk (EMOM x 10:00; 1 PP + 1 PJ + 1 SJ)
*(start fairly light and try to add)
*Taken from floor
Strength Accessory
You have 15:00 to get through:
*MU Transitions: 10
*Ring Support – :20/: 10 x 8
*Ring Bottom – :20/: 10 x 8