[slideshow] Everyday is a great day at CFW; but today is a great day because it’s PR day. Actually, it’s PR week! Finding new maxes and getting stronger! This morning at the 6am ALL athletes got PR’s in Deadlift & Split Jerk! Whether its 5# or 500# everyone did their personal best, and that is all we ask 🙂
Skills: 3 Rounds (with bar only): 5 DL 5 HPC 5 SJ WOD & Strength 1: DL E1:30M: 10@30% 8@40% 6@50% 4@60% 2@70% DL E2:30M: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 *Establish a max for the day, if you can get a PR, go for it! WOD & Strength 2: Split Jerk (SJ) E1:30M: 5@30% 4@40% 3@50% 2@60% 1@70% SJ E2:30M: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 *Establish a max for the day, if you can get a PR, go for it!