Main – CrossFit
5 Rds:
5 Press
5/5 Single Arm Ring Row
10 KB Swing (A)
10 Box Jump [short]
Metcon (Weight)
OTM – 10:00
Odd – L1. 8 C2B
L2. 8 Pull up
L3. 12 kips
L4. 12 Hard Rows
Even – L1. 3-4 DHSPU
L2. 3-4 HSPU
L3. 3 Wall Walks
L4. 10 KB/DB Press
Choose one Level for the odd and even. You may mix Levels. i.e. L1 odd, L3 even. Weight is not a true measure, but it will allow you to input comments.
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds:
AMRAP in 3:00
3 Press
6 Back Squat
9 Box Jumps (24/20″)
Rest 1:30
*100 Double Unders
* OTM x 10
odd – Swing 10-10-10-10-10 (124/88#)
*10 Rds: of Cindy
Zone 1
400m Farmer’s Carry