*****CANCEL ALL PLANS FOR SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****
We are going to be having SO MUCH FUN! This Saturday (10/6) @ 1pm, we are going to have a potluck party at the gym! We would love for you to come, and if possible, bring your family and friends—everyone is invited!!! Please bring a dish &/or drink to pass! We will also be playing “Hoover Ball” which is kind of like Volleyball, but with a med ball! *This doesn’t mean you can skip out of the Saturday morning workouts! —-We are very excited to get together with everyone and get to know each of you on another level!!!
As for the WOD:
Level 1: Deadlift 5RM, M.E.
Pull Ups, Max Effort
Level 2: Snatch 3×2, 5×2 heavier than last workout
Press 3x[5@75%, 3@85%, 1+@95%]
Tabata Pull Ups/ Ring Rows
AMRAP in 10 min.:
400m Run
6 Handstand Push Ups
8 Power cleans @ 65-75%
*Bonus- 1.) 3×15 Abmat Sit Ups
2.) 3×10 Weighted Side Bends