Guess what we just got in the mail???
…GIFT CERTIFICATES!! Just in time & perfect for the holiday season that is rapidly approaching! Snag one for the friend/spouse/relative that wants to come in, then you can show off your skills!
SWOD: Level 1: Power Snatch 5×3 Chin-Ups 3 Rep Max Level 2: Every 40 seconds for 6 minutes: 1 Power Clean, 1 Hang Clean (Full Squat), 1 jerk @ 70% Dead Lift 3@70%, 3@80%, 3+@90% WOD: For Time: 1-Minute Max effort KB Swings 3 Rounds: (@50% of Clean & Jerk) 12 Dead Lifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerk 1-Minute Max effort KB Swings
Midline: Leg Lifts 3×5 in all 3 directions