Last week in November? Seriously? That went by way too fast!
We hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend spent with family and an over-indulgence of food! We spent the weekend in Traverse City with Susie, my wife’s, side of the family. It was relaxing and fun! We stuck to our way of eating— for the most part…except for the pies 😉 It was so great to sit and chat with family and watch how much our niece, Kennedy, & nephew, Bentley,are growing, changing, and learning! So fun!!
**CONGRATULATIONS to our very own JESSICA SALISBURY on her engagement to Marshall! We are so very thrilled and happy for you Jess, Marshall, & Jayda!!!!!
*We will be placing our order for the CrossFit store on WEDNESDAY (you have 2 days to figure out what you want)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a 25%off coupon, so grab some gifts or something fun for yourself—go here–
Let’s get to business:
Level 1: Back Squat 3×5 (+5lbs)
Press 3×5 (+5lbs)
*On last set, go for reps
Level 2: 3-position snatch 5@70-75%
3-position clean & jerk 5@70-75%
WOD: For time:
500m Row
9 OHS (@95/65)
5 Ring Dips
300m Row
7 Ring Dips
200m Row
9 Rings Dips
Midline- 3×12 GHD Sit-ups