Tonight 13.5, the last OPEN workout will be released. I’m guessing something with Thrusters, Pull ups, and maybe some other odds and ends, but either way you can bet that it will be classic CrossFit.
So, with the OPEN coming to a close we will be moving on to our next cycle of programming. This cycle will be a lengthy 25 weeks long, taking us from April 8th to the end of September. This will be a Strength oriented cycle so be prepared to Get Stronger! If at this point you are wondering why we would do a strength cycle and program like this, please read my previous post, here. It will be based off of the Conjugate Method developed by Louis Simmons of West Side Barbell. The biggest change your going to see is how much more “stuff” will be programmed daily. All I ask of you is to please be early (10-15 mins early would be fantastic) and get your warm-up and mobilization done A.S.A.P. Try not to show up right on time or 2 mins early, because class will start no later than 5 minutes after the scheduled start time, and you will miss out on some lifts. I will post an example week of programming later this week so you can get an idea of what will be going on. Also, “rest” days will no longer be Wednesdays, they will be Thursdays and Sundays. I’m SUPER excited to start this next cycle of programming! Get ready to GET STRONG!
Strength- Bench 3×5