So this past weekend we found the limits of volume of our trusty timer…..It turns out, that it actually isn’t as loud as I thought. Oh well, no big whoop. This last Saturday’s WOD was pretty awesome though, and the best part was that we had a total of 9 peeps show up! After a rousing game of tag to warm up we all hopped into the workout. A fight gone bad-ish style team WOD. It was a little hectic, but a lot of fun in the end, and that’s the point right? SWOD: Back Squat 3×5 (+5lbs to last work out) WOD: For Time: 50 Mountain Climbers 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 15 Hand Stand Push Ups 50 MC 12 WB 12 HSPU 50 MC 9 WB 9 HSPU 50 MC