Extree, Extree!!!! Read all about it!!
A lot of announcements everyone!
First off, a few of us will be going to the Warrior Dash in Mt. Morris on July 29th. If you would like to join us then register here. Click that, then go to sign up now and complete the registration. We hope we can get a big group and really represent CrossFit Worthy!!
Second, make sure you stop by the the farmers’ market on Thursdays in Island Park and on Saturdays in downtown square, right by the round about. Make sure that you guys and your family are eating good, in season, real food!!
Third, I think this is the last one, I just want to declare how much I love this community! You guys are awesome, and it makes me so happy each day when you guys are excited to lift heavy and get stronger/faster/ and healthier. It is even more awesome when you guys let me know how excited you are that we as a gym and community are growing and getting bigger! I’m pumped that you guys are pumped!!
SWOD- Front squat 3×5 (+5lbs)