First off, everybody be safe on this Friday the 13th!!!
Second off, it’s game day!!!
The Reebok CrossFit Games actually started on Wednesday this week with a sprint tri and an obstacle course at Camp Pendleton. Today marks the start of the team, masters and individual weekend competition.
You can watch video streamed live from the Home Depot Center here.
And masters competition can be streamed here.
And more videos, articles, and whatever else you might be interested in can be viewed here.
And now guys I wanted to put a shout out to you all to give a high five to Anneliese whom earlier this week got her first chin up with no bands, then not 1 minute later, knocked out her first unassisted pull up!!!
Remember guys, keep making performance oriented goals. And keep striving to reach them. Tell me and others what your goals are so that we can all push to achieve them. And make sure that your goals are “good” and performance based, not aesthetic based. Aesthetics come with increased performance, they are a by-product of becoming better. Here is an example, my performance goal is to be able to Clean & jerk 300lb by the end of the year, and to snatch at least 200lb. Anneliese’s next goal is to knock out 10 strict push ups. Joe is training to perform better when he leaves for the State Trooper Academy.
So pick some awesome goals guys, and let everyone know. Let’s crush it today and get closer to our goals!