Have signed up for the CMU Snapshot Scramble?? If not, ITS NOT TOO LATE!!! You have until Sunday at 5pm to register and turn in your teams payment!!! Not sure what I am talking about? Look it up!! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE SOUP KITCHEN and its a fun time for all!! Teams of 3 […]
WARM-UP: 5 Rounds: 5 Good Mornings 5 Deadlifts 5 Front Squats STRENGTH: 10:00 to find a heavy 5RM Deficit Deadlift WOD: AMRAP IN 7:00 A1: 150m Row (pace) A2: Kb Swings (American) 53/35# A3: Push Press 95/65# —-REST—- AMRAP IN 7:00 A1: 30 Double Unders (pace) A2: Power Snatch 95/65# or 40% A3: Weighted Sit […]
There is quite a bit of space on the “2014 GOALS” board! Please write up your goals so we can hang this to remind everyone what they’re working towards!:) WARM-UP: 5 Rounds: 5 Good Mornings 5 Dead Lifts 5 Sit Ups 5 Mountain Climbers STRENGTH: 10:00 to hit a heavy Dead Lift cluster: WOD: […]