WARM-UP: *Shoulder Warm-up * 3 Rounds: 3 HHPSn (High Hang Power Snatch) 3 HPSn (Hang Snatch) 3 SB+OHS (Snatch Balance and Overhead Squat) STRENGTH: Hit a set every 1:30: BACK SQUAT: 1×5 @ 60% 1×5 @ 70% 1×3 @ 82% 1×2-3 @ 92% 2×3 @ 85% 1×10 @ 40% WOD: OTM for 16:00 1 Snatch […]
S.M.A.R.T. Goals meeting is tonight at 7:15! Come learn about making S.M.A.R.T. Goals, and how to achieve them! Bring paper to take notes along with specific personal/professional and fitness goals in mind! WARM-UP: 3 Rounds: 5/5 External Rotation 10 Banded Pull Aparts 5 Single Arm Rows STRENGTH: 1.)10:00 to find a Dead Lift 3RM 2.)E2M […]
11.05.2013 [tuesday]
Today marks the end of our Paleo Challengers! For those of you who stuck it out for the 30 days: GREAT JOB! We know the first time can be hard at times! But, now that you’ve done if for 30 days, you know how you CAN feel when you eat right, and you know the […]