Bright Spots Bright spots are daily victories and successes that you experience inside and outside of the gym. We encourage everyone to focus on daily acts of excellence and celebrate their bright spots because positivity breeds more positivity. It’s easy to be positive when everything in your life is going well. The hard part comes […]
Depression + Exercise = :)
It’s no secret: exercise can make you feel better. It can boost your mood, confidence, self-esteem, and can help you achieve personal goals and challenges in your life. That being said, what if exercise could alleviate, halt, and reverse, depression and anxiety? Exercise works to ease depression and anxiety by releasing and enhancing the effect […]
All or Nothing
Finding Middle Ground It’s Sunday night and you reflect on all the poor eating choices you made over the weekend. You vow to be incredibly strict and meticulous with your diet and exercise plan this week. Monday: You wake up at 5:00am to hit the gym, and eat egg whites, ground turkey, and asparagus. Boom! […]
Your Mental Game
Your Mental Game Genna Smith and I recently attended a Sport Phycology Seminar, presented by Mike Caruso, Pro-Strongman competitor. Here are the ‘knowledge nuggets’ from that seminar. The brain is a muscle – if you work this muscle it will improve and grow. Tommy Kono, an American Weightlifter, developed a model to successful weightlifting, where […]
REST DAY!!!! [slideshow] Don’t forget to enjoy this wonderful day! 🙂