Let’s review the ground rules. Your coaches will do their best to remind you of these simple things as well.
If athletes cannot make the class time they are reserved for, canceling of reservation is a must.
All athletes need to be relatively warmed up by the start time of your class.
Warm up using the designated area until class starts.
Equipment should be cared for and put away correctly, after all other athletes have finished their workout
DO NOT walk near another athlete lifting. Wait until they are done to pass.
Record weights and scores into Wodify; doing this will track individuals progress and help to figure out which weight you should be using.
Finish post workout cool down (mobility) within 15 minutes of your class finishing. This will ensure the current classes focus. All other “extra” activities can be done during Open Gym.
Work hard, forget about the problems of your day, and give it your all, every day.
Do not cheat. Do every rep, with solid technique, no matter the time it takes. You only cheat yourself of the opportunity to become a better athlete and person. There is no honor in cheating, what joy is there in a victory you didn’t earn? If needed, scale the movement to something sustainable.
Be patient. Accidents, injuries, and lack of progress usually come as a result of impatience. Don’t be greedy. Slow down. Ask questions. Ask for help. Upward progression in strength, speed, and ability will come.