WARM-UP: 5 Rounds: 5 Bar Rows 5 OHS 5 Leg Lifts STRENGTH/SKILL: Chest to bar & kipping skill work! WOD: OPEN 14.2 In 3:00 complete: (if completed before time cap, rest) 2 Rounds: 10 OHS 95/65# 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups In 3:00 complete: 2 Rounds: 12 OHS 12 C2B In 3:00 complete: 2 […]
WARM-UP: 5:00 AMRAP 5 DB Press 10 Bar Rows 15 Squats STRENGTH: 8 Rounds, :15on/:15off 1.) Handstand Push Ups 2.) Strict Pull Ups WOD: 8:00 AMRAP 5 Toes to Bar 5 Chest to Bar 5 Burpee Box Jumps
The CrossFit Open is upon us! Those of you NOT doing The Open for serious will be doing The Open workouts on Friday. The 12pm SATURDAY class will be reserved exclusively for those signed up for The Open. Serious Open athletes: Take the prescribed rest days, Mobilize like a mad man (or woman) and be […]
Prepare your shoulders! Get here early and warm up properly!!! WARM-UP: 5:00 AMRAP 5 Push Ups 10 Body/Ring Rows 15 Awesomely perfect air Squats STRENGTH: 2:00 test, 4:00 rest: 1.) Dips 2.) C2B (chest to bar) WOD: 5 Rounds for Time: 25 Double Unders / 50 Single Unders 10 K2E (Knees to Elbows) 5 HSPU […]
WARM-UP: 5:00 AMRAP 5 Push Ups 10 Ring/Body Rows 15 Squats STRENGTH: 6 Rounds: :20on/:10off: 1.) Dips 2.) C2B (Chest to Bar) WOD: 10:00 AMRepsAP: 120 Double Unders/240 Singles 60 Lateral Burpees 30 T2B (toes to bar)
WARM-UP: AMRAP in 5:00 5 Push ups 10 Rows 15 Squats STRENGTH: 8 Rounds 15on/15off 1.) Dips 2.) C2B WOD: For Time: 21-15-9-3 Burpee Box Jump K2E *15 Double Unders before each round
Happy Monday Everyone!! Start your week with a positive attitude and drive for strength in all areas in your life! Today we start a new On-Ramp program, a new 12pm class, and a class designated for Middle and High School students only at 3pm on MWF’s!! We are excited and eager to start these new […]
07.03.2013 [wednesday]
Yesterday we re-learned the Snatch: [slideshow] Skills & Drills: Jerk movement skill skill transfer exercise Posterior Chain Development: 12:00 1RM Jerk Assistant Movement: HSPU 3x max reps Pulling Superset: 3 Rounds: 8 Pendlay Row 12 Banded face pulls 16 Banded good mornings WOD: 3 RFT: 8 C2B (chest to bar pull ups) 10 HRPU (hand […]